Community Administration    & Management

The management services of communities includes all the works specified in Article 20 of the Horizontal Property Law and also includes the following:




1. Community Administration.

2. Accounting Management.

3. Issue and collection of Community receipts (by Direct Debit, office or in the Community).

4. Monitoring and Management of outstanding fees. We have a legal department that is responsible for the implementation and monitoring of legal claims.

5. Management with public organisations and private companies which are necessary for the smooth functioning of the Community.

6. Direct advice to the Community covering the following subjects:

a) Fiscal: Preparation of annual Form 347 for the new law from 2014 and for full forms 111 and 190 quarterly and annually if necessary.

b) Horizontal Property: legal interpretation of statutes, community internal regulations and rules of coexistence, with reference to the updating law of 27/06/2013, by the legal adviser.

c) Technical: contact with qualified professionals (certified electricians, plumbers, television systems, builders, etc.).

d) Labour: Working with professionals in this field for issuing payroll, drafting of contracts, drafting of social security, etc., negotiating special prices.

e) Insurance: Comparative analysis of multi-risk insurance proposals and / or liability for communities.

7. Monthly Income and Expenditure Balances will be available for all owners via the online Community database.

8. Each owner will have access to the web platform (private area) where they will be able to see their profile, contact information: phone numbers, emails, addresses, accounts, receipts, etc.

9. Direct assistance with the Administrator by phone 24 hours a day / 365 days a year.

And of course everything ordered in Article 20 of the HPL (Revised 27/06/2013).

10. Ensure correct arrangements for the Community facilities and services, and for these purposes to advise owners and ensure that the rules are being adhered to.

11. Prepare in advance and submit to the Board of Management the foreseeable expenditure plan, proposing the necessary resources to address them.

12. Addressing the upkeep and maintenance of the Community, arranging repairs and urgent measures, giving immediate notice to the President or, where appropriate, to the owners.

13. Implement the resolutions adopted regarding works and carry out payments when appropriate and issue the corresponding receipts to the owners for any extra levies.

14. Act as Secretary of the Board and guard the Community documentation, making these available to the owners.

15. Carry out all agreements made by the owners at General Meetings.


We adapt to the needs of each community, offering a unique service. Please contact us for a personilized quotation for your community.


Acceso propietarios comunidad Owners access to comunity